Silver Level Corporate Training: Robust Design of ICs with fewer than 1,00,000 Transistors*

Do you want to never have to hire us again as Robust IC Design Consultants ?

One step towards that goal is for your company to purchase our Silver Level Corporate Training: Robust Design of Circuits with fewer than 1,000,000 transistors*.

This training is an add on service to one of our Silver Level Robust IC Design Services (Silver Level Parametric Yield OptimizationSilver Level Chip Area Reduction or Silver Level Performance Variability Reduction). It CANNOT be purchased separately. For an additional $31,040 (due only if the Silver Level Service is successful), your design and CAD engineers will get 16 hours of on site instruction, as follows:

1) First Friday of the month, 3 PM to 5 PM: Problem Formulation.

Introduce the students (your design and CAD engineers) to the Robust IC Design problem (parametric yield optimization or transistor area reduction) that I will be working on that month as the Silver Level Service. Explain to the students the importance of studying all the course material at

2) Second Friday of the month, 3 PM to 5 PM: Q&A regarding Robust IC Design 101 from

3) Third Friday of the month, 3 PM to 5 PM: Q&A regarding Robust IC Design 201 from

4) Week after the Third Friday of the month:

   4.a) Monday, 3 PM to 5 PM: Hands of resolution of the problem formulated the first Friday of the month.

   4.b) Tuesday, 3 PM to 5 PM: Critic and Q&A regarding the resolution of the problem formulated the first Friday of the month. 

   4.c) Wednesday and Thursday, 3 PM to 5 PM: Bring Your Own Circuit (< 1,000,000 transistors*) to class:

         One or two Circuits will be selected among the ones brought to class by the students, and we will all try to optimize its yield and/or reduce its transistor area.

   4.d) General Q&A about Robust IC Design:

        Preference will be given to the Robust Design of Circuits (fewer than 1,000,000 transistors*).

        But, time permitting, questions about Robust Design of ICs (<1,000,000 transistors*) will be answered too.


To get started, select one of our Silver Level Robust IC Design Services (Silver Level Parametric Yield OptimizationSilver Level Chip Area Reduction or Silver Level Performance Variability Reduction) and, in your email to, add the following subject line: Plus Training.


* Transistor Accounting: the number of transistors is the number of transistors that will ultimately be in the manufactured circuit. So, if you have a netlist with 900,000 transistors and a behavioral model that will ultimately be implemented in manufacturing with billions of transistors, that's a billions transistors circuit, NOT an Circuit with few than 1,000,000 transistors.